Human Rights Explained
Human rights Explained on March 9th and 10th in Århus, Denmark.
Course description: With the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), companies responsibility to respect all human rights has now been defined. GLOBAL CSR offers an intense two-day workshop, with in-depth capacity building on each of the human rights, from a business perspective. The workshop is based on the two International Covenants from the International Bill of Human Rights; The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Throughout two full days participants will explore the content of each right and identify their function in practice in a business context. The workshop will be facilitated with a mixture of presentations, discussions and group work enabling the participant to work with a rights-based approach aligned with the requirements of the UNGPs.
Target group: CSR professionals, HR, OHSE, compliance, procurement, quality, supply chain, internal audits, communication and legal department.
Price (All prices are excl. VAT): DKK 9.800 (pr. person, incl. coffee and lunch). Access to complementary e-learning module (value DKK 200) and booklet “Human Rights Explained – for Business” (value DKK 300) are excl. the course price.
Contact: Carolina Diaz Lønborg, or +45 2219 9006.
A word on payment
There is an ability to pay with a credit card shown on the LHS with the ‘Buy Now’ button. Unfortunately some countries are not part of the Paypal scheme and then you will have to open a Paypal account – in fact Paypal assures us you put in exactly the same information as for a credit card. If you would like to avoid that we can simply send you an invoice and you pay by bank transfer (via, followed by us sending you the login details. Let us assure you that as a UK registered company we always honour our commitments, we would anyway but we are also obliged to by UK Law.