Human Rights Explained
With the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), companies’ responsibility to respect all human rights has been defined. GLOBAL CSR offers an intense two-day workshop, with in-depth capacity building on each of the human rights, from a business perspective. The workshop is based on the two International Covenants from the International Bill of Human Rights; The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Throughout two full days participants explore the content of each right and identify their function in practice in a business context. The workshop will be facilitated with a mixture of presentations, discussions and group work enabling the participant to work with a rights-based approach aligned with the requirements of the UNGPs.
The objective is to give participants the necessary competencies to work with the content of the UNGPs. The workshop is designed to develop capacity with each participant, enabling them to work with human rights in a business context. The workshop enables participants to identify the potential and actual adverse impact your business may cause or contribute to or may be linked to in its business relations to employees, business partners and local communities.
After a completed workshop participants will have the capacity to work with a rights-based approach. Furthermore,they have completed preliminary human rights impact identification.
The workshop will be facilitated with a mixture of presentations, discussions and group work, enabling the participant to work with a rights-based approach aligned with the requirements of the UNGPs.
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